Sunday, April 1, 2012

On Your Mark, Get Set . . . STOP!!!!!

See this machine? 
Mizz C. always imagined that standardized test correcting machines looked like this. She didn’t want to mess with them. And you shouldn't mess with them either.

Here’s Mizz C's advice about filling in standardized test bubble sheets:

  • PRESS HARD on your answer bubbles so the robo machine can read your answers.
  • DON’T MAKE ANY STRAY MARKS anywhere outside the bubbles so the robo machine doesn’t misread your brilliant answers. If a stray mark does creep in, erase it ASAP.

Mizz C. recently read a sad, sad tale on one of her favorite blogs, Learn Me Good. Mr. Teacher gave the usual warning to his students about not making marks on their answer sheets. He wanted his students’ tests to look neat and orderly like this:

Not like this:

But one student was so nervous about not making stray marks, she didn’t answer any of the questions! Mizz C. totally understands. 

If you do get a mad urge to doodle, or you have to take notes or work out problems, make your marks . . . but only in the question booklet

Lesson over. Now go outside and kick a ball!